Okowa Vulnerable Community Based Organization


Child Welfare

Providing care and education for orphaned and vulnerable children Offering psychosocial support and counseling

In the realm of child welfare, the Okowa Vulnerable Community Based Organization stands as a beacon of compassion, extending a nurturing hand to orphaned and vulnerable children in Kisumu county. Through its unwavering commitment, the organization not only provides a safe haven but also fosters an environment of care and education. By offering shelter, nutritious meals, and access to education, Okowa ensures that these children are not only provided for materially but also given the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive despite the challenges they face.

Understanding the emotional scars that often accompany vulnerable childhoods, Okowa goes beyond the surface to offer vital psychosocial support and counseling. The organization recognizes that emotional healing is as crucial as physical care, and it diligently provides a safe space for children to express their feelings, fears, and aspirations. By offering counseling services and psychosocial support programs, Okowa aims to mend the wounds of trauma, nurture emotional resilience, and pave the way for these children to envision brighter, more hopeful futures. Through this holistic approach, Okowa stands as a cornerstone in the foundation of child welfare, striving to give every child an opportunity to reclaim their childhood and step confidently towards a better tomorrow.

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